PupLink Web Privacy Policy & Important Notices
This notice provides PupLink's policy regarding the nature, purpose, use and sharing of any information collected via our services and website. The information you provide will be used only for its intended purpose.
Submitting information is strictly voluntary. By doing so, you are giving PupLink your permission to use the information for the intended purpose. If you do not want to give PupLink permission to use your information, do not provide it. However, neglecting to provide certain information may result our inability to provide you with the information, products, or services you desire.
There are several types of information we collect. These include:
Automatically Collected Information
Personal Information
Information about Dogs
PupLink is not in the business of violating humans' desire for privacy. PupLink is not interested in a human's personal information, excepting for purposes that serve the human and the human's canine companions. PupLink will not share a human's personal information without the consent of that human. Dogs' information may be anonymized and shared with partner organizations and researchers.
We collect and temporarily store certain technical information about your visit for use in site management and security purposes. This information includes:
The Internet domain from which you access our website and internet services;
The IP address from which you access our website and internet services;
The type of browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) used to access our website;
The operating system used to access our website;
The date and time you access our sites and internet services;
The URLs of the pages you visit on our website;
Your logins, and
If you visited our website from another website, the URL of the forwarding site.
PupLink does not like cookies and currently has a no-cookie policy. Cookies are often used to violate people's privacy, and the violation of human privacy is against PupLink's policy.
Providing Information to Third Parties
PupLink may redirect to resources outside of PupLink's website or be featured in third party site content and resources. Third parties may collect information on visitors who share PupLink content on their Facebook pages, Twitter feeds or other social media/networking sites. PupLink is not responsible for how these third-party sites use this information for their own business purposes, including marketing the information to other parties. Users are encouraged to read the privacy policies of all third-party sites used to share, market, or otherwise associate with PupLink.
Personal Information
If you choose to provide us with personal information, we will use that information to respond to your message and to help us service your request.
Email isn't necessarily secure.
Some of our websites ask visitors who request specific information to fill out a registration form. This information enables us to provide effective service to our customers.
Interaction with Children
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act governs information gathering online from or about children under the age of 13. Verifiable consent from a child's parent or guardian is required before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from a child under the age of 13.
It is against our policy to collect information about children, and children are not permitted to enter personal information into our databases.
Website Security Notice
For website security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, PupLink employs software programs that monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, such evidence may be provided to appropriate law enforcement officials.
Submission of fraudulent information for the purposes of harming our products and services is strictly prohibited and may be punishable by law, including under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.
Linking Policy and Disclaimer of Endorsement
PupLink may link to websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations. PupLink provides links to these sites as a service to our users. The presence of a link is not a PupLink endorsement of the site.
When users follow a link to an outside website, they are leaving PupLink and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside websites. PupLink is not responsible for the information collection practices of other websites.
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